
Joel Palefsky, MD


Dr. Joel Palefsky is the Chair of the HPV Working Group of the AMC and is the head of the AMC HPV Virology Core Lab. He has extensive experience in studying the biology of HPV infection, HPV infection in HIV-positive men and women, HPV vaccines and in the design and implementation of clinical research trials of HPV-related disease.

J Michael Berry-Lawhorn, MD

Clinical Professor - Recalled

Dr. J. Michael Berry-Lawhorn is a Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology Oncology, who retired as of July 2021. He returned for a recall appointment in August 2021, seeing patients 2 days per week. He was formerly, the Protocol Co-Chair of the ANCHOR study and local UCSF site PI.

Cristina Brickman, MD

HS Assoc Clinical Professor

Cristina Brickman is received her M.D. from Columbia University and completed a residency in internal medicine at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. This was followed by a fellowship in Infectious Diseases (ID) and a Master’s of Science in Clinical Epidemiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. During her fellowship training she encountered the complications of HPV infection in people living with HIV and became interested in HPV-associated malignancies and their prevention in at-risk populations.

Naomi Jay, MS, RN, PhD

Assistant Clinical Prof Vol

Naomi Jay is a nurse practitioner in the UCSF Division of Medicine. A New Yorker by birth, she completed high school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and her undergraduate work at McGill University in Montreal. After a 5-year sojourn in Israel growing wine grapes on Kibbutz Gezer, she attended graduate school at the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions where she received a Masters in Nursing, specializing in Women's Health in 1989. She then completed her doctorate in nursing at UCSF in 2007. Since 1991 she has worked in San Francisco with Drs.

Vasean Patel

Nurse Practitioner

Vasean K. Patel is a nurse practitioner who cares for men and women who have or are at risk for anal cancer. He has special expertise in treating patients with anal dysplasia (abnormal cells in the anus) or HPV-related conditions.

Rosalyn Plotzker, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor
Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Dr. Rosalyn Plotzker is an assistant professor in the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and performs high resolution anoscopy at the UCSF Anal Neoplasia Clinic, Research and Education (ANCRE) Center. Rosalyn completed a fellowship in Sexually Transmitted Diseases at UCSF and the California Department of Public Health where she also currently serves as a public health medical officer and clinical lead for congenital syphilis prevention and response.

Jackie Wang, MD

Associate Clinical Professor

Dr. Chia-Ching "Jackie" Wang is a medical oncologist. She provides cancer screening with high-resolution anoscopy as well as treatment of anal cancer. Her research work focuses on HIV oncology, particularly HPV-related cancers, but she has also completed research on lymphoma and Kaposi's sarcoma. She also has a special interest in superficially invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the anus and post-treatment surveillance.